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Florence travel agents packages deals


As the capital city of Tuscany, Florence is revered for its acclaimed architecture, rich Renaissance history, and unique artistic tradition. Centered along the River Arno, this picturesque city may be small in size but boasts an extensive number of c...

Categories: Europe

Florence/Pisa (Livorno)

Livorno serves as a convenient gateway to Tuscany - which is known for classic landscapes and lush vineyards. Visitors come to see great art centers of Florence, Lucca and Pisa - where names like Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Boticelli, da Vinci, Donat...

Categories: Florence/Pisa (Livorno)

Panzano in Chianti

Categories: Panzano in Chianti


Categories: Reggello

The creative explosion of the Italian Renaissance happened right here, leaving petite Florence more art treasures than most national capitals. View the masterworks of local heroes like Michelangelo and Botticelli, visit countless unforgettable basilicas, then climb up into Brunelleschi's soaring dome to watch the sun set among cypress-clad Tuscan hillsides.
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Florence Travel Agents

Latest Florence Deals & Packages

We serve customers all over the USA! Contact us for a custom curated vacation package for your preferred dates, budget, airline & more.

Oltrarno at Sunset: Florence Food and Wine - Small Group Tour - Day Tour

Price: $106 - # of Days: 0 days
In Florence, dinner isn’t just another meal. It’s a night-long symphony of food, flavours, and good friends—a celebration of regional cuisine and the flavours that make it unique. It’s not hard to find good food in Florence, but if you really want to eat as the Florentines do...

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Private Florence afternoon Guided City Tour with Uffizi Gallery - Day Tour

Price: $367 - # of Days: 0 days
Meet your private driver and guide at your hotel for a fine and chauffeured private tour offering panoramic views of the unparalleled beauty of Florence, Piazzale Michelangelo: a stop to admire the wonderful panorama of the city, one of the most beautiful in the world.

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12-Nights Mediterranean Highlights

Price: $4,095 - # of Days: 12 days
Mediterranean HighlightsEase into the local love of life and good food. Sun-kissed days and sizzling nights guide you along this Mediterranean trip through coastal Spain, France and Italy. Enjoy lunch with sisters Sandra and Antonella on their Tuscan agriturismo near Vinci.Dining Summary5 Dinner (D)...

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27-Nights Great European

Price: $8,123 - # of Days: 27 days
Great EuropeanBuckle up for an unforgettable Great European tour, filled with local flavors, the scents of France and artistry of Gaudí and Michelangelo in Spain and Italy. Discover Florence’s rich culinary heritage, admire the 'pearl of the Basque Coast' Biarritz, and count the 100 spires of Prague...

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10-Nights European Wonderland With Eurostar™ Extension

Price: $4,496 - # of Days: 10 days
European Wonderland With Eurostar™ ExtensionBring history to life on your European travels as you learn about life as a Roman gladiator and try your hand at pizza-making on an epic European family trip filled with carnival masks, medieval castle banquets and tons of fun for the whole family.Dining S...

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9-Nights European Splendor With Eurostar™ Extension

Price: $4,545 - # of Days: 9 days
European Splendor With Eurostar™ ExtensionWhen have you ever had the opportunity to dine with an Italian count in Tuscany That’s not all you’ll do on this exciting Rome to Paris trip, bringing you the bright lights of the Champs-Élysées, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the rolling hills of Tuscany.Di...

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7-Nights Italian Treasures: Rome, Florence & Venice - Luxury Small Group Journeys

Price: Please call for rates - # of Days: 7 days
Italian Treasures: Rome, Florence & Venice On this quintessential journey to Italy’s most soughtafter destinations, view legendary masterpieces firsthand, experience unrivaled insider access to historic sites, savor amazing food and wine, and meet with artisans devoted to timeless romanti...

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9-Nights Italy: Florence to Rome, Walking the Vineyards of Tuscany and Umbria - The Geluxe Collection

Price: $4,674 - # of Days: 9 days
Italy: Florence to Rome, Walking the Vineyards of Tuscany and Umbria It’s never been hard to fall under the spell of Italy’s romantic atmosphere. On this 10-day adventure there’s no doubt you’ll fall deeper in love as you wine and dine through the Tuscan countryside, encounter medieval towns, sprawl...

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7-Nights Italy Family Journey: Venice to Rome - National Geographic Family Journeys

Price: $3,699 - # of Days: 7 days
Italy Family Journey: Venice to Rome Home to ancient ruins, artistic masterpieces, gelato, and pizza, Italy is an enchanting destination for all ages. Discover the country’s top highlights on a journey from Venice through the heart of Tuscany to Rome. Explore fresco-adorned churches and Renaissance ...

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5-Nights Brunelleschi Hotel

Price: Please call for rates - # of Days: 5 days

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Florence, Italy, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world—and for many visitors, it is the most splendid. While travel to the city usually centers on its attractions, including museums, palaces and churches that overflow with masterful paintings and sculpture, it is not limited to those destinations.

Visitors encounter the spirits of da Vinci, Dante, Boccaccio, Michelangelo and the Medicis, and the days of the Renaissance seem close at hand.

As the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence combines unequaled beauty with centuries of history in a heady mix. Visitors' first glimpse of the Duomo is likely to take their breath away.

Florence is essentially a proud, provincial city, with a conservative mentality yet very liberal politics. Visitors can sense that its citizens pay a price for living in what has become, essentially, an open-air museum. Florentines—especially those who deal with masses of tourists daily—can be haughty and standoffish toward visitors. But there are many who will offer visitors a warm smile and a helpful gesture.

The vitality of this small city, the robustness of its cuisine, the enduring beauty of its architecture and the richness of its treasures cannot fail to educate, exhilarate and dazzle those who visit Florence.

Must See or Do

Sights—The Duomo (The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore) and its dome; Battistero di San Giovanni (the Baptistery) and its intricate doors; Palazzo Pitti; Ponte Vecchio; Basilica di San Miniato al Monte with the splendid view from the Piazzale Michelangelo; the tomb sculptures by Michelangelo at the Cappelle Medicee; the view of downtown from the rooftop of The Continentale hotel.

MuseumsDavid and Michelangelo's other sculptures at the Galleria dell'Accademia; the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (with the original door panels of the Baptistery); the Museo Nazionale del Bargello (with works by Cellini, Donatello and Michelangelo); the Uffizi Gallery; the Galleria Palatina and Royal Apartments in the Pitti Palace.

Memorable Meals—A massive, rare bistecca alla fiorentina at Il Latini; fritto del convento (Florentine chicken and vegetables lightly fried) at the superb Il Francescano in the shadow of Santa Croce's convent; any of the restaurants on Piazza Santo Spirito.

Late Night—A stroll around Ponte Vecchio, with the lights reflected in the Arno; jazz at the Jazz Club; hot beats and top DJs at YAB.

Walks—A leisurely stroll along the terraced paths of Boboli Gardens; walking through Cascine Park and its enormous Tuesday market; a sunset stroll from Piazzale Michelangelo to Ponte Vecchio; exploring the Piazza Duomo pedestrian zone.

Especially for Kids—The Museo Stibbert and its park; the Gozzoli fresco in the Cappella dei Magi in Palazzo Medici-Riccardi; the Duomo's bell tower and dome; Galileo's telescope in the Museo Galileo.


The historic city center of Florence, the Centro Storico, is where you'll find most of the city's monuments and attractions. The area was once encircled by medieval city walls. In the 1860s, when Florence was briefly capital of the newly formed Kingdom of Italy, the walls were replaced by large boulevards that today form a ring road (viali di circonvallazione) around the old city. The city falls naturally into two sections: the Duomo side of the Arno River, called di qua d'Arno, and—across the river—the Oltrarno side. (Oltrarno means "beyond the Arno.")

On the Duomo side, where visitors usually spend most of their time, Piazza della Signoria and the Duomo itself are grand, historic centers of religious and political power. The Oltrarno has its share of monuments such as the Palazzo Pitti and the churches of Santo Spirito and Santa Maria del Carmine, but it is less imposing and can feel more accessible. The last bastion of old Florentine popular culture is in the Oltrarno: The San Frediano neighborhood is still known for its artisans who handcraft shoes, restore furniture and practice goldsmithing, although their workshops are slowly disappearing.

A note about Florentine addresses: A street number such as 36/R means "36 rosso (red)," and 5/N would mean "5 nero (black)." All storefront commercial properties are marked with red street numbers (the coloring is usually worn off, making them simply stone-colored); residences have black numbers (sometimes they may look blue). Don't be surprised if the sequence of numbers is not continuous between the two colors: You may have 5/R followed immediately by 27/N. If there's no letter designation, the address is probably in the black sequence.


Julius Caesar established Florentia, the "flourishing one," in 59 BC as a military post along the banks of the Arno River, and Roman walls embraced what is now the city center. The city did not truly come into its own until the 12th and 13th centuries, becoming an independent republic in 1198. In this period, a few merchant and banking families began to distinguish themselves in the world market, establishing guilds and bringing international commerce to the city. The florin, named after the city, became a standard unit of currency in Europe.

During the 13th and 14th centuries, the Guelphs (supporters of the pope) and the Ghibellines (upholders of the Holy Roman Emperor) battled each other. After these factions faded into history, the Medici family of bankers ruled the city. Their courts employed artists, designers, architects, artisans, musicians and poets, fostering an explosion of artistic production that has shaped the city to this day. Their dynasty lasted, on and off, until 1737, when Florence came under the rule of Maria Theresa of Austria.

At this time, a pact was drawn up in Vienna to guarantee the longevity and integrity of the Florentine artistic patrimony. The masterpieces of the Austrian crown and the private collections of the Medici family were handed over to the Tuscan government. The agreement stipulated that no work of art could be taken from the enormous collection. It also emphasized that the priceless works would be showcased to attract visitors to the region.

Italy itself was unified in 1860, and Florence became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy from 1865 to 1870. (Rome later became capital of the Republic of Italy.) The city had several setbacks in the 20th century: During World War II, all the bridges were blown up except the Ponte Vecchio, and many buildings along the river were destroyed. In 1966, a particularly devastating flood swept through the city, causing an incredible amount of damage to buildings and artworks. (You can still find markers throughout the city that indicate the water level that day.) More works were lost or seriously damaged in 1993 when a car bomb exploded in front of the Uffizi Gallery. After all three events, Florentines quickly rallied to restore the city and preserve its vital Renaissance legacy.


Although there is no shortage of torture museums in Tuscany, Florentines were the first people in the world to outlaw the death penalty through the reforms of Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo in 1786.

The great medieval poet Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy, bitterly complained about the "shameless" Florentine women who freely showed their bare breasts in public. Rest assured, they don't do that anymore.

The "Stendhal Syndrome" (fainting from an overdose of art exposure) was first described by the French author Stendhal who experienced dizziness after visiting the church of Santa Croce.

Florence is extremely popular with language students because Florentines are said to speak the purest Italian.

The Uffizi is the busiest museum in Italy, with more than 2 million visitors per year. If you don't have a reservation, expect to wait many hours before you can enter.

After Oscar Wilde was arrested and tried in the U.K. in 1895, many affluent gay and lesbian British intellectuals flocked to Florence to enjoy the tolerant lifestyle there.

It is only mildly surprising that Florence was the birthplace of Pinocchio creator Carlo Lorenzini, also known as Carlo Collodi (but not in the Tuscan village from which he took his name). Another Florentine native was Realist painter John Singer Sargent, born to American parents in Florence in 1856.

Florence's leather and its beef steak, the famous bistecca alla fiorentina, come from the Chianina cow, a huge, pure white animal with large, expressive brown eyes.


An important industrial and shipping city since the time of the Civil War, Florence (80 mi/130 km east of Columbia) also sits in a rich farming area in the northeastern part of the state known as the Pee Dee Country. Museums in the city include the War Between the States Museum (Civil War relics) and the Florence Museum of Art, Science & History.

If you're in Florence in the spring, don't miss the gorgeous display of blooms along the 12-mi/20-km Beauty Trail and in many of the city's parks. The Southern Plant and Flower Festival takes place in April.

The surrounding Pee Dee Country takes its name from the river of the same name. A rich cotton- and tobacco-growing area, it is dotted with small towns. Among them is Darlington, the site of stock-car races each year. Next to the raceway is the Joe Weatherly NMPA Stock Car Hall of Fame, said to be one of the world's largest collections of stock cars. Open year-round, the museum contains cars driven by such legends as Richard Petty, Buddy Baker and Fireball Roberts.

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